Incorporating data-driven recommendations into a Go-to-Market strategy is critical for consumer goods companies seeking better sales efficiency. With the right insights, you will make market success less random. Your sales plans, methods and activities will have the greatest likelihood of success and you will have better support from field sales teams & customers. You will discover opportunities with the highest potential and focus your efforts accordingly.
The future holds a new way of selling. Implementing AI algorithms into your Route-to-Market will enable you to collect objective and high-quality data (e.g. with Image Recognition), extract knowledge and better understand the in-store situation. Moreover, it will help you turn those insights into actionable task recommendations for sales activities and distribute the suggestions to the staff and partners acting on your behalf at the POS. These partners may include the staff of distributors and wholesalers, as well as merchandising agencies, trade networks and retail stores.
Find out what your AI-based opportunities are and what can you get in return:

AI-based Dynamic Segmentation
Selling everything everywhere does not pay off. It costs you a lot, and the return on investment is not good enough. AI-based Dynamic Segmentation helps you identify the sales potential of the stores offering your goods, no matter if you visit them or not. It categorises your customers accordingly, taking into account factors like last purchase (recency), order frequency, monetary value, key products or profit. Finally, it provides information about your “best customers”, indicating the points of sales with the highest, the average or poor growth potential for your brands. This will let you update your “where-to-go” strategy to unlock hidden opportunities.
AI-based New Coverage
Reshaping your sales visit strategy is another step forward in selling more. An AI-based New Coverage evaluation helps you determine a list of potential customers worth including in your field sales plan. With this knowledge, you can find and replace the least promising stores with the ones where you can generate bigger sales. You can also further optimise your visit frequency of POSs or even find some that should be served with a hybrid model (on-site and remote).
AI-based Market Guard
You already know your best customers, who you should visit, and how. However, the retail environment is constantly changing. You can follow the changes with the support of the AI-based Market Guard. It helps you detect potential future risks and protect the best customers while providing you with an alert each time the assessment evolves – when your good customer’s performance is at risk of losing steam.
So what makes Artificial Intelligence so valuable for the FMCG industry?

Thanks to data-driven insights, it provides clear and reliable answers to the critical Route-to-Market question “Where to go?”, “When to go?” and “What to do?”. Precisely, objectively and free from human beings’ biases, with the highest return on investment.
Interested? If you want to explore the AI opportunity more in-depth, please get in touch with us. We will answer your request as soon as possible.
Read more about Data Intelligence by Asseco.