Your sales force’s effectiveness can be driven significantly when adding a few innovative mobile solutions into your retail execution technology. They will help you to improve planning, data collection, auditing and presenting, as well as support decision-making and increase the enthusiasm of your mobile staff. Your sales calls will generate better outcomes. Is it worth doing?
Basic retail execution software offers you features like routing, calendar, surveys, promotions, orders, contracts, assets, inventories, cash collection, etc. All of this is very important for cooperating with customers on a day-by-day basis. Enriching your mobile technology with a couple of smart solutions will allow you to additionally improve the performance of your field sales teams at the POS. Those are Retail Activity Optimisation, Image Recognition, Perfect Store, Smart Presentation and Gamification.
1. Improve visit planning – at the beginning and during the day. When choosing the points of sales which need attention currently, you will have the guarantee you receive the greatest return on resources. Do not allow your sales representatives to waste time on visiting stores which are not valuable. Direct them to the right customers at the right time with Retail Activity Optimisation driven priority triggers. Do it dynamically, when the situation changes in the course of the day. Make use of all the sales opportunities available at your fingertips.
2. Eliminate manual auditing and get the best quality in-store data – all done during a sales call. Just automate the shelf data collecting process. How? Your sales representatives can use their mobile devices’ digital camera combined with an Image Recognition solution, embedded in your mobile retail execution solution. It will transform all taken pictures automatically into a report on in-store excellence KPIs.
3. Support your sales force in creating and maintaining the best and optimal shelf conditions in visited stores. It will help you to affect ad-hoc purchasing decisions of shoppers made at the store shelf. A Perfect Store solution will enable your sales representatives to monitor the quality of the expositions at the POS and evaluate them with a set of KPIs. Then it will suggest what can be improved.
4. Introduce a new way of presenting your selling stories to impress your customers and inform them better about your latest proposition. A Smart Presentation solution will allow your field sales force to present your offer and selling-stories in a very compelling way in front of the store owners/personnel. All enriched with factual commercial store-level data injections.
5. Make your sales force feel more excited about carrying out their day-to-day activities. Organize internal competitions for your sales representatives within your mobile retail execution and make your mobile staff constantly aware of their current results and bonuses. You can do it whilst using a Gamification solution.

If you want to learn more, check the retail execution solutions by Asseco, designed to boost sales in the FMCG industry!